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The African Association for Japanese Studies (AAJS) invites submission of abstracts for her Annual International Conference on Japanese Studies in Africa. The conference world order through the lenses of diverse academic disciplines and from inter-disciplinary perspectives.
The complex social, political, economic and cultural forces influencing the power structure in the globalised environment of the current information and Communications Technology age have thrown the world into serious asymmetry. While access to the World Wide Web and other tools of social media have granted almost unlimited access to information, technological advancement has given voice to billions of otherwise voiceless people around the world. This empowerment has however, redefined existing systems, creating myriad tussle among diverse ideas struggling to replace the current unsustainable order. The impacts of the ongoing international conflicts, global energy crisis, inflation, and migration crisis on Africa and Japan are worthy of consideration
Abstracts of not more than 200 words should explore the interface between Japanese and African studies and interests to be considered for eligibility. We welcome contributions from all relevant academic fields.
Date: 7-10, October 2024.African Association for Japanese Studies (AAJS) is inviting the general public to a roundtable webinar themed Glocalization, Migration and African Scholarship: Exploring the Japan Paradigm
Tune in to hear five brilliant and highly anticipated young speakers at home and in the diaspora speak on:
This conversation is crucial as transnationality and glocalization attain greater salience in the post-COVID era.
Date: Saturday, 24th of February 2024.
Time: 17:00 West African Time
Venue: Twitter (Now X)
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